Courtesy of Aussie Jed's Tasteless Jokes Archive

    A woman took her young son with her into the shower for thefirst time. Naturally, he wanted to know why she didn't have a dick, and what the fuzzy thing she had instead was.

    "Oh, that's my sponge." she replied with embarrassment. To save her from any more red faces, she made sure he only saw her when she was wearing panties.

    "Mummy, where's your sponge?" the kid asked one day.

    "Oh, I've lost it." she lied.

    A few months later she was washing up when the nipper came running in, all excited. "Mummy, Mummy, I've found your sponge. You know the sponge you lost." The kid squealed. "The lady next door is wiping Daddy's face with it!"
